Pilkington Pyrostop® & Pilkington Pyroclear®

Bring the best out of your interiors with elegant, joint-free glazed partitions

PROTECTION: fire-resistant (EI) & flame-retardant (E)

CLASSIFICATION – Standard NF EN 13501-2: EI-30 to 120 minutes and E-30 minutes

PROPERTIES: glass with optimal transparency allied to excellent fire resistance.

TYPE OF GLASS : differs depending on the process selected


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Brochures introducing Pyroverre and their products

  • Introducing Pyroverre - products - packaging – warranties and CE marking


Triple-glazed fitting
Single-glazed fitting
Glass partitions with glass corners

For partitions with glass corners ranging from 90° to 135°

Laminated fire-resistant glass

Laminated fire-resistant glass

Pilkington Pyrostop®

Laminated fire-resistant glass

Laminated fire-resistant glass

Pilkington Pyrodur®

Tempered flame-retardant glass

Tempered flame-retardant glass

Pilkington Pyroclear®

Glass <br />


Pilkington Pyroclear®

Our latest projects

Comptoir 532 Fire-resistant glass

Comptoir 532

Centro aqualúdico Fire-resistant glass

Centro aqualúdico

Halles Fire-resistant glass


Liceu Henri IV Fire-resistant glass

Liceu Henri IV

Want to find out more?